
The Parish Council has no authority to make planning decisions but, by law, it has to be consulted by the relevant Planning Authorities on all applications within its boundaries or which may have an effect within the Parish boundaries.

Most planning applications for Rainworth are decided at Newark and Sherwood District Council and past and present applications can be found here.


All members of the public are invited to send in any responses regarding planning applications to the Parish Council but they are recommended to send their individual comments to Newark & Sherwood District Council Planning Department. Please make sure that you include the Planning reference number so they can place your comments in the relevant file. Our District Councillors have a right to be heard at the District Council and members of the public may wish to contact them directly.


Some applications may be handled by Nottinghamshire County Council but they do not have a similar page to that at Newark & Sherwood District Council.

However all members of the public are entitled to send in any responses regarding planning applications to the Parish Council but they are recommended to send their individual comments to Nottinghamshire County Council Planning Department. Please make sure that you include the Planning reference number so they can place your comments in the relevant file. Our County Councillor has a right to be heard at the District Council and members of the public may wish to contact him directly.