Rainworth Parish Council Meetings

The Parish Council meets on the second Thursday in each month with the exceptions of August and December.

Meetings are held in the Parish Council Room in the Village Hall at 7:00pm and the agenda is published on the Parish Council Notice Board in the Village Hall, in the Library and on this web site.

These meetings are open to all but it must be noted that in certain circumstances the Council may decide to exclude the press and public when certain matters are to be discussed. These occasions are covered in Section 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and include:

  1. Information relating to any individual. This would be whenever personal information about a person comes up, such as in a disciplinary panel or the Standards Committee. This exemption would help keep personal information confidential when the Data Protection Act is unable to.
  2. Information likely to reveal the identity of an individual. It protects an individual's privacy. It allows use of data about them without revealing publicly who they are.
  3. Information about financial or business affairs. This could be information about individuals, companies or the Authority itself. The exemption is there to help the Authority carry on business relationships effectively. The rule may cover such issues as procurement or tenders.
  4. Information regarding labour relations within the Council. i.e. whenever there are, or plan to be, negotiations or discussions with employees over terms of employment. This exemption allows the Authority to carry on negotiations without their position being prejudiced.
  5. Where legal privilege applies. This protects information given confidentially when formal legal advice has been taken from a professional legal advisor.
  6. Information revealing proposals to issue a notices, directions or orders, i.e., when the Authority plans to use any of its legal powers to order another person/body to act.
  7. Actions taken to prevent, investigate or prosecute a crime. This exemption is in place to protect the due processes of the law. Information the Authority discusses should not become public when this could hinder an attempt to prevent, investigate or prosecute a criminal offence.